Cake Smash Photoshoot

Photography trends come and go! But one trend that is constantly gaining popularity among parents is the cake smash. One of the best ways to capture moments and emotions from a child’s first birthday, cash smash photography is something tricky and needs a lot of consideration, patience and planning.

Parents often schedule a cash smash photography session before the birthday to use the pictures for party invites. A photography session with a toddler is sure to be an unexpected one. This is why we have created this guide to help you prepare for a cake smash photography to get it right. We also talk about the best backdrop, props and outfit for a cake smash photo session.

Cake Smash Photography – UPDATED 2020

A cake smash session is best done near the first birthday and there is no use offering a cake to the baby before that age as they won’t show any interest. A cake smash is also a great commemoration of the entire year for the baby and the parents. Cake smash photoshoots have endless possibilities; they can be as simple or as elaborate as you want.

You can keep it minimalistic with a choice of a few colors and a simple cake. If you want something fancier, you can hire a professional photographer and get a multiple-layer cake, outfit and other things matching a theme of your choice. The cake need not be too expensive because it is going to be smashed afterall. A plain vanilla sponge cake works the best and it should be kept out of the fridge for some minutes for the icing to soften. Always look for allergens and ingredients to ensure the safety and health of your baby.

If you are not taking a complete package that includes cleaning, you should pack a lot of wipes, towels and napkins on the day as the cake smash always ends in a mess. Get a few pictures before the child is introduced to the cake. Get some photos with the baby’s favorite toy and happy face. A kitchen table is a great choice for cake smash because it can be adjusted to capture from different angles.

Cake Smash Photoshoot At Home – Everything You Need To Know

A cake smash photoshoot turns out to be a hit when done at home because you can control almost every aspect of the session to get the desired pictures. You get the freedom to choose the setting so that you minimize the distractions for the baby. You will be familiar with the surroundings so you know where your child feels the happiest and which areas have the best lighting. Cleaning is also easier and you can take the child for a bath soon after the session.

You can choose a well-lit setting with a plain colored wall and wipeable flooring as the cake smash can be messy. You should avoid doing it on a carpet. Also, make sure there is no unwanted item in the background that distracts the baby. You can get some balloons and banners but less is more when it comes to cake smash photography. Consider taking shots when the baby is hungry or happy so that it takes interest in the cake.

You may have to encourage the baby to start eating the cake and gradually smash it with the spoon or hands. One of the parents can take charge of the pictures while the other can make the baby smile standing behind the photographer. When capturing on a phone, use the burst mode and focus on the baby. It is better to take more photos so that there is no chance to miss any lovely moment.

Cake Smash Photoshoot Props

Outdoor photography is a great choice for a cake smash shoot because it brings an extra touch of playfulness and the mess is easy to clean. When it is shot outdoors, you need minimal props as the beauty of the surrounding eliminates the need to use them. If the cake smash is indoors, you can get some items like streamers, balloons, banners, flags, party hats, gift boxes and other things that bring the feel of a birthday celebration.

You should avoid using too many props and toys because sometimes they can distract the little one and you may have to remove them to get the shots. A cake smash photoshoot doesn’t let you use thoughtful props because you want the focus to be on the birthday girl or boy. Getting any expensive items will only make your job harder because the session will ultimately result in a beautiful mess that will cover everything and need a cleanup.

Cake Smash Backdrop For Boys

When shooting a cake smash in the home, one should find a well-lit area to get better pictures. A plain colored wall is a good choice for the backdrop. It can be decorated with a birthday banner to add the right touch to the images. You can also add balloons and pom-poms but the overall background should be simplistic. Bedsheets also make amazing backdrops when shooting indoors.

If you like to have a theme, you can either use characters or simply some combination of colors. Sometimes, the surroundings make amazing backdrops when the session is done outdoors. An outdoor shoot naturally gives you animals, flowers and other things that make the photos more beautiful. When it comes to animal or character themes, options are endless. Boys generally like playing with cars, going to space or being in the middle of superheroes.

Baby Girl Cake Smash Outfit

A simple cake smash can have two to three colors in a theme or it can be elaborate like your favorite sports team or a Disney Princess theme. You can dress the little girl in one of the theme colors or order a new outfit matching the chosen theme. when choosing an outfit for a little girl’s cake smash, it is important to select one that does not stain easily or that can be discarded.

The best pick is a cute but inexpensive outfit that you find appealing. Girl photoshoots generally involve princess dresses with pink frills but you can dress your baby girl the way you like. Accessories like neckpieces, headbands and shoes are recommended to add fun details to the pictures. You can choose sandals as well because they look adorable. Dressing her up in a diaper is not a bad idea either. It is the ultimate inexpensive clothing for a cake smash.

We hope the guide helps you plan well for your little one’s cake smash photography session. However you plan the shoot, make sure you make it a celebration for the family!